Internet Safety

The internet can be a fantastic place for children and young people where they can talk to friends, be creative, engage in learning and have fun. 

However, just like in the real world, sometimes things can go wrong. 

If you or your child are worried or upset about something which has happened on the internet there is help available. 


Social media and children: 

Most social media accounts need users to be at least 13 years old. However, it is easy to sign-up with a false date of birth. 

For expert advice about how to keep children safe online: 


You can help protect yourself and your children by learning how these sites work. You can talk them through some basic advice: 

Pick a username that doesn’t include your real name - make sure it doesn't hint at your date of birth or where you live. 

Make your profile private by changing the privacy settings or account settings. This means only your friends will be able to see what’s on your profile. You'll still be able to get friend requests but are less likely to be pestered by strangers. 

Limit the amount of personal information you make available online.  Don't reveal your address and date of birth. It may provide a hint as to your password - even to friends.