

Our guidance team play a key role in our school in helping us: 

  • Know our young people well. 
  • Nurture our community. 
  • Nourish ambition and support learner attainment. 

On entry to Morgan Academy each pupil joins a House group.  The House Team (led by a Depute Headteacher, Principal Teacher Guidance and Pupil House Captains) get to know each pupil in their group and are the people that are first points of contact for any pupil in school   

The guidance staff are trained and have a special responsibility to care for the welfare of pupils in their charge.  Their role is to oversee the progress academically, pastorally and to support the wellbeing of all pupils.  

Each pupil is a member of a “House” and two Guidance Teachers, and one Depute Head Teacher are attached to each House.  The three Houses, named after local castles, are: Airlie, Cortachy and Mains.  


  • To meet regularly with pupils in order to monitor their progress, to identify needs and where necessary to assist staff in supporting pupils. 
  • To provide information for parents/carers about the social, curricular and personal development of their children and to foster a spirit of cooperation in home/school liaison. 
  • To be available to provide support and for pupils in times of crisis 
  • To establish effective links with outside agencies, to develop a detailed knowledge of the services provided by them and to liaise with them when necessary. 
  • To provide a constant adult to act as the Named Person to support and nurture them through their time at Morgan. 


House Staff are as follows:  

Airlie Head of House:  Ms V Black, Depute Head Teacher 

Airlie PT Guidance:  Mr Craig McIlravey 

Mr G Edwards 


Cortachy Head of House: Mr G McBain, Depute Head Teacher  

Cortachy PT Guidance: Mr A Wallace 

Ms N Stahlberg 


Mains Head of House: Mr A Anderson, Senior Depute Head Teacher 

Mains PT Guidance:

Mr S Haddow Mrs L Cunningham  Ms Kirsten Webster (maternity)